Dear Love Nugget,
I think, love nugget is super cute and better then baby addison and pumpkin pie. *teehehe*
Today was our first appointment at 11am. Pretty exciting, but nerve wrecking because I thought I would have to go through all the basics of a regular gyn appointment, but I didn't. When I got there the woman at the front desk didn't want me to see the doctor because I was scheduled for a basic gyn appointment and not a obstetrician appointment. Instead I got the chance to see a prenatal nurse and get the medical history out of the way. I had to get about 6-8 tubes of blood drawn *ouch* thankfully they didn't have to do the glucose or HIV blood testing so they didn't have to add those tubes for blood (too many tubes make mommy dizzy). They did do the cystic fibrosis screening though, I'll get all results on July 19th...our first official prenatal appointment. We do have a sonogram coming up next Friday though which I'm excited about. I get to see your little body, see how far along you are, your EDD and get pictures of you!
Besides from the basics the nurse gave me a nice big packet with a whole bunch of information. I got the hospital registration form which needs to be filled out once I hit 5 months and sent in. I got information on doing a hospital tour (which I will do around 5 to 7 months), childbirth classes, breastfeeding information and nutrition. Thankfully the vitamins my doctor prescribed me are prenatal vitamins, but I will find out if I need any supplements once the prenatal appointment. I did get weighed today and I've gained 2.5 lbs which puts me at 82lbs now. Still a bit underweight, but I'm excited about getting healthy for both you and I.
I am still debating if I want to take a childbirthing or prenatal breastfeeding class. I may, but who knows. I'm still reading What To Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff. It's a great read, but I do find it a bit overwhelming at times with all the information. I plan to get back into yoga sometime soon, but your mommy is just too lazy to go uptown to the storage place to get her cute yoga mat. I might just buy a completely new one and just own two...great idea right?!
Overall, today was a great day. I'm super excited to see you and get your first picture. I love you as every millisecond goes by.
Sidenote: my obstetrician is Dr. Pamela DeForst (yay for a lady doctor) and I'm thinking about giving you my pediatrician when I was younger, Dr. Patricia Koors. She's absolutely amazing and knows your mommy well, so it'd only be right to do. Lol.
A skintastic day...
Dear Love Nugget,
Hope you are having a healthy time growing so far. Today has been a great day. Minus your uncle getting on my last nerve as usual I've been good. Lately, my skin has been going crazy which is mostly because I have you growing inside of me. My skin is normally normal; slightly oily in the summer and slightly dry in the winter. Now that I'm pregnant not only has my skin type changed, but my regimen has to change as well. After reading What To Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff and doing some research I realized my whole regimen and routine needed to be changed to ensure your safety during the next 7 and a half months. I'll do a post on my skincare on my beauty blog though.
Today I ate pretty well. For breakfast I had my prenatal vitamins with ginger ale and crackers to ease the nausea. An hour or two after I made two bowls of delicious Frosted Flakes with 2% milk. For a snack I had crackers and strawberry yogurt...yum! For lunch I had some yellow rice and beans, baked chicken, stew chicken with water from this Spanish restaurant called D'Angie (Dominican and Mexican food). For a snack I had crackers and water. I haven't eaten dinner yet, so hopefully it's great.
Only a few hours left before my first appointment and I'm praying it all goes well. I have a few questions for the doctor already and come Saturday I'll be handling other business with your nana (your grandma).
Overall, I feel blessed, excited and nervous. I've even gotten a few reads to show you in the next post. In the meantime, keep growing my love.
Hope you are having a healthy time growing so far. Today has been a great day. Minus your uncle getting on my last nerve as usual I've been good. Lately, my skin has been going crazy which is mostly because I have you growing inside of me. My skin is normally normal; slightly oily in the summer and slightly dry in the winter. Now that I'm pregnant not only has my skin type changed, but my regimen has to change as well. After reading What To Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff and doing some research I realized my whole regimen and routine needed to be changed to ensure your safety during the next 7 and a half months. I'll do a post on my skincare on my beauty blog though.
Today I ate pretty well. For breakfast I had my prenatal vitamins with ginger ale and crackers to ease the nausea. An hour or two after I made two bowls of delicious Frosted Flakes with 2% milk. For a snack I had crackers and strawberry yogurt...yum! For lunch I had some yellow rice and beans, baked chicken, stew chicken with water from this Spanish restaurant called D'Angie (Dominican and Mexican food). For a snack I had crackers and water. I haven't eaten dinner yet, so hopefully it's great.
Only a few hours left before my first appointment and I'm praying it all goes well. I have a few questions for the doctor already and come Saturday I'll be handling other business with your nana (your grandma).
Overall, I feel blessed, excited and nervous. I've even gotten a few reads to show you in the next post. In the meantime, keep growing my love.
Note To Baby
Weekly Update | 5 Weeks
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5 weeks and got a bump. |
For the record, I am 22 years old and born June 3rd, 1991.
How far along? 5 weeks and 1 day.
Total weight gain: Not sure just yet, pre-pregnancy weight is 79.5lbs. I find out my weight on Thursday at my GYN appointment.
Size and growth of the baby: About the size of an orange seed.
Gender: Too early to tell.
Maternity clothes: None yet
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good. I find myself tossing and turning a lot of nights. I can't lie on my stomach obviously, but now it's uncomfortable to lie on my back for too long or my right side. I tend to sleep on my left side. I do get slight cramping at night which probably means my uterus is growing. Also been having some crazy dreams lately too. Despite that, I find myself going to bed earlier then I'm use to and sleeping like a baby when I am knocked out.
Best moment(s) of the week: This past week has been great. I went to purchase a cute pregnancy journal and book from Target. I got the courage to tell my spiritual parents and grandmother. That helped me relieve a lot of stress. My boyfriend came to NY to spend the night. He also went to church with me and meet my spiritual parents. This past week was great!!
Movement: None yet, just slight cramping here and there.
Food cravings/aversions: I've suddenly got a huge dislike for grilled burgers and hotdogs. I have, however, been craving a lot f seafood, smoothies and french fries. My normal loves.
Morning sickness: I guess...I do wake up some days with headaches and nausea but they don't seem to last longer than an hour or two once I've eaten.
Symptoms: So many symptoms! Sore breasts, cramping, nausea, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, dry skin, breakouts and food aversions.
Labor Signs: Way too early!
Belly button in/out: The same, I've always had an outtie.
Mood: My mood has been quite happy, but I tend to get aggravated quite quickly.
What I miss: Currently, my skincare regimen and products. I can't use my serums anymore until after birth. My skin has been dry so my regular summer moisturizer isn't working as efficient. I also have been breaking out, but can't use any products with salicylic acid in it, so it's been hard taking care of my skin.
What I'm looking forward to: My GYN appointment on Thursday and going skincare shopping. I need to start using Palmer's Cocoa Butter to help prevent any stretch marks.
Overall this all has me excited day by day to see you little one. Can't wait until the first ultrasound.
Bump Update
My 22nd Birthday Gift
Dearest Love Nugget,
I can't believe that you're growing inside of me. It's still something I'm shocked about and it's probably going to take me sometime until your first ultrasound to believe it. About a week ago I found out, because I was 3 days late going on 4. I didn't think anything of it at first because your mommy has such a strange cycle, but I wasn't feeling quite peppy as usual. I immediately got scared, but then reassured myself things would be okay. From the queasy feeling, to the dizziness to headaches, I knew something was right. I told your nana (grandma -- my mom) on a Sunday night and the next day (Monday, June 17th) we took a test at her job and guess came back positive. Admittingly, I was a little hurt and stunned, but at the end of it all I began to get happy.
Why? Because I have a little life growing inside of flesh and blood.
I've known all my life that at some point, I'd like to be a mother. Maybe not at 22, but knowing that you're growing has made that feeling even more apparent now. I can't say how excited I am and nervous at the same time. A lot is going through my head at this moment. I want to cry, laugh, jump and hop around the city. I feel blessed to have a family that is very supportive of me and you baking in the oven. I've told my mom and brother -- they're quite excited. I told my spiritual parents and even though there is slight disappointment in how things went about on my end, nonetheless, they are happy for me and you. My spiritual grandmother is beyond joyous. Even your godmother knows of you baking. As for your daddy, he's beyond joyous about you and your arrival. His first born, his baby, he's excited. He has already planned out a few things for you. I couldn't be more happier to have the support system that I do have.
What I'm looking forward to is your health and growth. It's been a challenge for me as far as my weight goes because your mama is definitely a petite little thing, but I pray to God that you come out a healthy and happy baby.
The writing of this first letter is premature, I know, but I just have a lot of emotions dancing around in this crazy brain of mine and I had to put some of them down on paper -- or at least this blog. So if you're growing in there already or are just a little spark out there waiting for us to find you in time, just know how much you're already loved and adored. My heart is bursting with happiness at knowing that someday quite soon I get to be your mama.
I can't believe that you're growing inside of me. It's still something I'm shocked about and it's probably going to take me sometime until your first ultrasound to believe it. About a week ago I found out, because I was 3 days late going on 4. I didn't think anything of it at first because your mommy has such a strange cycle, but I wasn't feeling quite peppy as usual. I immediately got scared, but then reassured myself things would be okay. From the queasy feeling, to the dizziness to headaches, I knew something was right. I told your nana (grandma -- my mom) on a Sunday night and the next day (Monday, June 17th) we took a test at her job and guess came back positive. Admittingly, I was a little hurt and stunned, but at the end of it all I began to get happy.
Why? Because I have a little life growing inside of flesh and blood.
I've known all my life that at some point, I'd like to be a mother. Maybe not at 22, but knowing that you're growing has made that feeling even more apparent now. I can't say how excited I am and nervous at the same time. A lot is going through my head at this moment. I want to cry, laugh, jump and hop around the city. I feel blessed to have a family that is very supportive of me and you baking in the oven. I've told my mom and brother -- they're quite excited. I told my spiritual parents and even though there is slight disappointment in how things went about on my end, nonetheless, they are happy for me and you. My spiritual grandmother is beyond joyous. Even your godmother knows of you baking. As for your daddy, he's beyond joyous about you and your arrival. His first born, his baby, he's excited. He has already planned out a few things for you. I couldn't be more happier to have the support system that I do have.
What I'm looking forward to is your health and growth. It's been a challenge for me as far as my weight goes because your mama is definitely a petite little thing, but I pray to God that you come out a healthy and happy baby.
The writing of this first letter is premature, I know, but I just have a lot of emotions dancing around in this crazy brain of mine and I had to put some of them down on paper -- or at least this blog. So if you're growing in there already or are just a little spark out there waiting for us to find you in time, just know how much you're already loved and adored. My heart is bursting with happiness at knowing that someday quite soon I get to be your mama.
Note To Baby
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