And It's Down To The Wire...
Yes I've been calling you jellybean lately because you remind of a jumping jellybean -- lol. Anywho, this isn't a real formal letter, it's more like a note. I just wanted to let you know that we made it through a full 7 months without complications and I'm truly blessed. I am grateful that the most issues we've had is back pain and nothing more. You're healthy, I'm healthy and we are doing just fine. I go for my 33 week appointment on Friday and my next sonogram is during week 36 so I'm excited to see how big you are and how much you weigh.
To think, just on my 22nd birthday I was blessed with such an amazing gift. I couldn't ask for anything more, but than your dad proposed to me a month later which made it all the more better. Yes, I was a bit nervous and started to treat your dad really mean, but I got over it and began to accept that my life is changing for the better.
You will be here in February -- any time after Feb 2nd (which is when I'm full term) is fine with me! I am quite excited for your arrival. There's not much more to say than I love you so much my little jellybean. Even as I type this up you're moving about and stretching those limbs.
Your Excited Mommy
P.S. I did switch your name around :) It was Christian Jaiden at first, but since I love the name Jaiden so much and your nana and uncle decided that would call you Jaiden instead I opted to make your name Jaiden Christian which sounds more better according to your father.
Love you jellybean!
Weekly Update | Weeks 29-31
Movement? They are a lot more frequent now. The slighest twitch, roll or turn and I feel it all. Mostly on my sides, lower abdomen and when he's pushing at my bladder (painful).
Weekly Update | Weeks 26-28
Here's my latest belly shot from week 27:
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Lopsided belly. |
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First time he felt his son kick. |
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The two pieces we got him. I love both of them. Purchased at Carter's. |
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24 weeks anda 5 days. |
Now as far as what's been going on with me and little one...he has been super active and the third trimester has been hitting me harder than ever. I mean I sleep all day and I'm up all night. It's bad -- I need to change my habits. I did do my hospital tour, but since my doctor's have three hospitals and two which they have maternity in, I'm opting for the second one. The first tour was not what I wanted. Hospital tour to is going to happen this month, so I'll have a hopsital tour post coming soon after!
Well that's all my loves. I'll try to keep you updated bi-weekly or weekly.
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He has the cutest little pouty face ever -- omg!!! |
Wedding Update #1
Date: May 30th, 2015
Colors: Tiffany Blue & Mint Green
Accent Colors: Gold, Silver & White
Theme: Love In Full Bloom...still debating if I want a theme.
Location: New York City, venues not picked yet.
Time: Late Afternoon into evening.
Bridal Party: A total of 23 so far ... once I find a flower girl it will be a total of 24 people -- not including parents and grandparents.
I already have our honeymoon location set as well which I'm excited for, but I am nervous because it will be my first time on a plane.
I have picked out my wedding dress via online, but I'll go see it in person in May and do some dress fittings. I mean it's the perfect dress from David's Bridal that is already made for petite women. I also found it in the perfect color --- IVORY with hints of champagne and gold!
Yes, I want a ivory or cream dress. No white! Why? 1) I don't want white. It's so expected. 2) Get's dirty easily. Truth be told, wedding dresses use to be ivory or cream back in the old days...way before the 1700's (learned this when I was taking up fashion merchandising and retail marketing).
Well that's it for now...
No more to really chat about for now. Once my little jellybean is born I'll have more to update you all on.
Weekly Update | 25 Weeks
His nose bone is there and the echogenic focus is no longer on his heart! I am beyond grateful for everything being great for him. He has 3 more months in the oven before his debut.
Weekly Update | 24 Weeks
Weekly Update | 23 Weeks!
Loved my outfit that day! Just realized I can still be fashionably stylish and pregnant. I'm starting to feel so amazing!!!
Seriously, I can't believe these months are flying by for me. Starting to enjoy my pregnancy. Just can't wait for the day of new life and the perfect addition to a new start.
Weekly Update | 22nd Week
Weekly Update | 18-21 weeks
Weekly Update | 17 Weeks
Weekly Update | 16 Weeks
1. Take a walk everyday.
2. Do yoga at least twice for a minimum of 15 mins.
3. Drink at least 3 bottles of water.
4. Spend time bonding.
1. Drink more water.
2. Take more pictures of myself and belly.
3. Be more happy and friendly.
Late Night Note #1
As I lie here feeling what seems like flutters, I begin to see what lies a head of me. The deepest love I've ever known. The strongest bond I've ever had. The biggest fear I've ever had. Love for I have something so precious growing inside of me. A bond that can't be overpowered by any one, thing or situation. Fear that I won't be good enough as a mother for you.
I know life won't be easy and we'll have our moments, but I'm willing and ready to put everything aside and make things work. For the next 5 months I have a lot of growing and maturing to do. It'll be a struggle as I hold on to so much pain, but I don't want you to feel that. I need to mature spiritually and mentally. I need to emotionally be in control. The words I use and the anger inside needs to be turned down. I plan to do it all before you arrive because I need a better life for myself and want an amazing life for you.
No one is going to hinder me in doing so. I will not allow anyone to hinder me raising you. Not myself, your nana, your dad or anyone else. I vow to turn my life around and make sure I set the perfect example. I have a past that haunts me, but before you get here i'll be in control of it.
I just want to give you as much love as I can while you're inside me growing and even after you arrive. We are a team and I'm ready to win.
Love you forever more,
Your Mommy ♥
Weekly Update | 7 Weeks
Maternal Family...
Weekly Update | 6 Weeks
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6 weeks & 2 days. |